Hydroelectric Power Stations

Basic Engineering Writing of the Bonilla 1320 and Bonilla 510 Projects located in the Province of Cartago, Costa Rica

Basic Engineering Writing of the Bonilla 1320 and Bonilla 510 Projects located in the Province of Cartago, Costa Rica

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Study of the Minicentral Productions of Chanín and Huintul.

Study of the Minicentral Productions of Chanín and Huintul.

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Tension Study of the Huintul mini-pipeline.

Tension Study of the Huintul mini-pipeline.

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Engineering and Development Services of Black, Cuyes, Aguacate and Chorrera Hydroelectric Projects in San Vicente.

Engineering and Development Services of Black, Cuyes, Aguacate and Chorrera Hydroelectric Projects in San Vicente.

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Collection and analysis of information from previous studies, and preparation of the First Stage report of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio of southern Peru.

Collection and analysis of information from previous studies, and preparation of the First Stage report of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio of southern Peru.

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Analysis of hydrological routes, preparation of flow schemes and identification of areas of interest through GIS for the second stage of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio in southern Peru.

Analysis of hydrological routes, preparation of flow schemes and identification of areas of interest through GIS for the second stage of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio in southern Peru.

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Tension Study of the Chanin mini-pipeline.

Tension Study of the Chanin mini-pipeline.

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Development of procedures and methodology for hydropower optimization for the basins of the Hydroelectric Project Portfolio in southern Peru.

Development of procedures and methodology for hydropower optimization for the basins of the Hydroelectric Project Portfolio in southern Peru.

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Resource hydrological studies, maximum avenues and sediments for the third stage of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio in southern Peru.

Resource hydrological studies, maximum avenues and sediments for the third stage of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio in southern Peru.

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Training Workshop corresponding to the Fifth Stage of the Portfolio of Hydroelectric Projects of southern Peru taught in the city of Lima (Peru).

Training Workshop corresponding to the Fifth Stage of the Portfolio of Hydroelectric Projects of southern Peru taught in the city of Lima (Peru).

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Advanced hydrological studies and GIS schemes of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio of southern Peru

Advanced hydrological studies and GIS schemes of the Hydroelectric Projects Portfolio of southern Peru

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Basic Studies Budgets of the 10 finalist projects of the Hydroelectric Project Portfolio of southern Peru.

Basic Studies Budgets of the 10 finalist projects of the Hydroelectric Project Portfolio of southern Peru.

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Technical Assistance to the drafting of economic and financial studies of hydroelectric power plants.

Technical Assistance to the drafting of economic and financial studies of hydroelectric power plants.

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Prospecting of hydroelectric projects in the states of Puebla and Hidalgo, Mexico.

Prospecting of hydroelectric projects in the states of Puebla and Hidalgo, Mexico.

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Technical assistance in the partial modification of the Viewer of hydroelectric projects identified in Peruvian Basins.

Technical assistance in the partial modification of the Viewer of hydroelectric projects identified in Peruvian Basins.

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Report of justification of electromechanical equipment budgets in plants Nº1, 2 and 3 of the Project “Determination of a portfolio of hydroelectric projects in the basins of Apurimac, Madre de Dios, Purús, Grande, Chili, Tambo and Titicaca.

Report of justification of electromechanical equipment budgets in plants Nº1, 2 and 3 of the Project “Determination of a portfolio of hydroelectric projects in the basins of Apurimac, Madre de Dios, Purús, Grande, Chili, Tambo and Titicaca.

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Technical assistance in the preparation of the Due Dilligence report of the Alcolea Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Technical assistance in the preparation of the Due Dilligence report of the Alcolea Hydroelectric Power Plant.

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Hydrological and production study of Parramon and Montagut – Ripoll hydroelectric power plants. Located in Ripoll, Girona, Spain.

Hydrological and production study of Parramon and Montagut – Ripoll hydroelectric power plants. Located in Ripoll, Girona, Spain.

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Technical analysis for the identification of hydroelectric projects in Colombia and prefeasibility studies of 7 Hydroelectric Projects.

Technical analysis for the identification of hydroelectric projects in Colombia and prefeasibility studies of 7 Hydroelectric Projects.

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