Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for processing your data?

Corporate name: QANAT INGENIERIA S.L.
CIF: B24663767
Registered Office: C/ Valle de Pinares Llanos, 34, P8 – 1° D. 28035 Madrid
Telephone: 910664202

For what purpose will we treat your personal data?
In QANAT INGENIERIA S.L. We will treat your information to:

  • Maintenance of the commercial relationship and provision of the contracted service.
  • Making a budget adjusted to your needs.
  • Manage email communications with interested parties.
  • Control the security of the facilities (video surveillance).
  • Management of employees and human resources of society.

How long will we have your data?
The personal data you provide us will be kept as long as the current commercial relationship is maintained. However, to have maximum transparency with you, we indicate that the general computations with which we work are:

  • Accountant, fiscal: six (6) years.
  • Labor: ten (10) years.
  • Video surveillance: thirty (30) days, unless recording of an infraction and / or crime.

However, despite the existence of these general deadlines, we inform you that we will periodically review our systems to proceed to eliminate those data that are not legally necessary.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
According to the purposes of the collection of our data, the processing of your data is necessary:

  • Manage the business relationship you have signed and contracted with us.
  • Execution of a contract (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)
  • Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a GDPR)
  • Making a budget adjusted to your needs.
  • Execution of a contract and / or pre-contractual relationship (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)
  • Manage email communications with interested parties.
  • Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a GDPR)
  • Legitimate interest (enabled by Article 6.1.f GDPR)
  • Control the security of the facilities (video surveillance)
  • Legitimate interest (enabled by Article 6.1.f GDPR)
  • Employee management and internal human resources of the company
  • Contractual execution (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)

Likewise, all the data collected is necessary for the provision of the service. However, data that is marked with an asterisk (*) will be mandatory. In the event that the mandatory data were not provided QANAT INGENIERIA S.L. You cannot provide the contracted service.

What rights do I have regarding data protection?
You can exercise any of the following rights by notifying us to the postal address C / JOSE ANTONIO FERNANDEZ ORDOÑEZ, 35, 2B – 28055 Madrid or to the electronic address indicated in the header ( In any case, according to current regulations, the following are recognized:

  • Right to request access to personal data related to the interested party.
  • Right to request rectification or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of treatment.
  • Right to object to treatment.
  • Right to portability.

You can use the following forms to be able to exercise your rights in an easier way. You can download them by clicking here. Additionally, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Your data will not be communicated to third companies. We also inform you that your data will not be transferred internationally to any third country.

How have we obtained your data?
The personal data used by QANAT INGENIERIA S.L. They come from the interested party.

What categories of data do we handle?
The categories of personal data that are processed:

Identification data

  •  Name
  • Surnames
  • DNI / NIE / Passport or equivalent document
  • Postal Addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Commercial information
  • Economic data
  • Bank account number
  • Credit card number
  • Video surveillance
  • Image

QANAT INGENIERIA S.L. does not treat specially protected data.


From QANAT INGENIERIA S.L. We make every effort to comply with the data protection regulations as it is the most valuable asset for us. However, we inform you that if you understand that your rights have been impaired, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), located at C / Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about the AEPD.